Thursday, May 19, 2011

Short Heartbreak Quotes

Short Heartbreak Quotes

And what I finally decided is maybe, maybe I don't want to get over you, maybe I don't want anyone but you, maybe that's why I still think about you everyday even though I know we will never have what we used to maybe 

Short Heartbreak Quotes - Harsh words hurt feelings. But silence breaks hearts. 

"The best way to mend a broken heart is time and girlfriends." 

I wish I could ask the wind to please help carry my heart to you, to let you know that theres someone missing you all the time.. 

"Deep in my heart, I'm suffering, knowing that I've lost you. On the outside, I'm living, pretending that I've forgotten you" 

To let go of someone doesn't mean you have to stop loving, it only means that you allow that person to find his own happiness without expecting him to come back. 

What can I tell you, son of mine? I could tell you of heartbreak, hatred blind, I could tell of crimes that shame mankind, Of brutal wrong and deeds malign, Of rape and murder, son of mine; But I'll tell instead of brave and fine When lives of black and white entwine, And men in brotherhood combine� This would I tell you, son of mine. 

Short Heartbreak Quotes - This is our last goodbye�its over, just hear this and then I'll go; you gave me more to live for then you'll 

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