Thursday, May 19, 2011


Friday, April 29, 2011 @ 9:50 AM

Dear boyfriend,

Im sorry. I cant do things right. )': 

Your girlfriend.
Monday, April 25, 2011 @ 9:41 AM

Sometimes I really need a break for everything. But, sometimes they just don't understand. The one that I really need was 'freedom'. I know I'm a girl, but I do need space sometimes right. I know you're worried and so on, I know who to take care of myself. I'm a big girl. If only girls can be like guys. Wouldn't life be good? Haha. Atleast my younger brother can sleep over at his friends house. I can't even sleep over to my friends house. How sad can it be? Hmm. I really can elaborate much. My stomach is killing me. 

Will be continue.

Friday, April 22, 2011 @ 5:37 AM

Having a veryyyyy bad headache. Sighs.

Even it disappoint me, i tell myself "its okay, there will be a next time". I can't really post much, cause my head is so so heavy right now. Will post a proper one.

im crazy today!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011 @ 5:58 AM

How i wish, i could be like her. :/ Seriously.
Hi, can i be like her? please. Hahahaha, i miss listening to their songs.

Work was super fun when we have super fun friends over there. Although they are older, but they really teaches us how important marriage was. I feel like i wanna marry right now! Hehe, sungguh mentel. (: They are super supporting and i wish they can be my real sister you know? With them around, it really makes me laugh all the time. Im so gonna miss them cause on thursday is the last day of work. Boooooohooo. But im excited to get my pay. Wanna buy things that i really need. :/

I know my birthday was next month but i really can't wait to turned 19. Hehe. But before that, i wanna change myself so that boyfriend will love me more! Hahahaha. <: Mentel i.

Happy go lucky.

Sunday, April 17, 2011 @ 4:03 AM

With you by my side, i feel so protected by you. I'll always love you. Everyday, week. year, forever!

I feel so lucky from the start to have him as my life partner. Never will regret even abit. (: I never feel so happy before in my life, im really glad that i found the person that really love me. How special can that be? Right? But every relationship do have their ups and downs. If other couples can last till 5 years or even longer, why can't we? I'm not gonna give up everything that i've gone through with my boyfriend. No wayyyyyy (: I love him and im gonna fight for it. Insyallah. I'll change and i wanna throw my stubborness away. Slowly, i know i can do it! Jia you~

Omgeeeeeee, will not meet boyfriend next week because of his outfield. -.- Pity him. He's been working so hard and get less rest. Sighs. Seeing him this way, it kinda hurts me though. Hmm. we'll go out when you free okay baby? (:

Working was fun. Hahahhaa, i sleep more than i do work. Slack work.


Friday, April 15, 2011 @ 6:23 AM

Silent, sit at the corner of the room, crying. Thats what i've been doing all the time. 

Will be back blogging.
i wish i can turned back the times.
Monday, April 11, 2011 @ 3:29 AM

I rather sit at home rather than going out. I cant fake my smile anymore. It doesnt matter who i go out with, i cant smile for too long. I hope no one notices me cause i really don't wanna talk bout it. I'm stressed, i'm dissappointed, i'm angry at myself and for the things that i've done. I feel like crying whenever i was all alone in my room. I just wanna let everything out. I can't complain bout this and that. I know if i did, people will get bored of me. So i stay silent. Sometimes i dont know why im angry. It happens so fast. Forgive me if i ever scold anyone for no reasons. I know it suck. I feel so so bad. I can't even control myself anymore. Sighs.

I don't know whats wrong with me lately. I can feel that i'm changing. My mood swing is so terrible. I really hate for being like that. I wanna be pampered from my boyfriend, but tooooo bad. He's always busy in camp. Annnnd, i always wanna eat this wanna eat that. Its weird. I don't know how to explain about it. So i guess, i shall stop here before my tears falls. 

So, its the first day of work today. Haha. I dont wanna eleborate what job it is, but its a crazy job! Lagy mulia pergy haji/mekkah tawaf better, dapat pahala. Lol. Huda and i thought that we're late for work. We reached there bout 8.40 plus and reporting time is at 8.30! Luckly the pic was later than us. Pheeeew. Officially start work at 9am. Hahahaha, that's when everyone turns crazy. zzzzzzzzzz omgzxzx. But its okay, not that bad.

I really miss my boyfriend hell alot and i hope he knows that. Its suck cause you're gonna stay in till fri? Gosh. I hateeeeeeeee this, seriously! ): 

Saturday, April 9, 2011 @ 3:42 AM

heartbreak quotes
I dont know how to put what im feeling like right now. Its crazy. But all i can type out was, 'i'm hurt'.

im back baby.
Monday, April 4, 2011 @ 10:17 AM

Hi im back to blog again. I thought of deleting this blog, but i can't. I love typing about what happen, what im doing and all those things here. I like to share it here. I used to have dairys. Haha. 

Rot at home like always. Heh heh. Things has been 'okay' for me. They're starting to talk to me like usual rather than doing their own stuff and dont bother bout me. When dinner yesterday and i was like 'akward'. I dont know what to say. Its okay, im sure one day everything will be alright. Insyallah. Think positive!

Today's a pissed off day. How could he use those words on me? Im not an outsider and im not a small kid. Seriously, my heart sank and im speechless at that moment. Anger can really change to tears. Sighs. Still, just go with the flow. Whatever happens, he still my brother. Pfft. 

I've heard their convo and it kept me thinking. When we're just stepping on to teenagers life, whatever we do we don't always think of the consequences. Similar to relationship. Sometimes, we just wanna play around trying and changing partners just to feel different types of person. Dont think of having a serious relationship yet. When their teenager life is almost over, then they start to think. To be serious, to last long and to finda right one. 

Now, im coughing non stop from evening till now. I dont really know why but i just hope it was nothing serious. Gosh. :/ 
Okay, where's my baby? I miss him dearly. ); Bye.

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